Bohr's Atomic Model for Hydrogen Selfution

Bohr’s Atomic Model for Hydrogen

Welcome, young scientists, to an exciting adventure into the mysterious realm of atoms! Today, we embark on a journey to explore one of the most fundamental concepts in physics: Bohr’s atomic model of hydrogen....

What is an Atom? Simple Explanation for Kids

What is an Atom? Simple Explanation for Kids

Simple explanation of atom for kids – Atoms are very small round particles which make everything around us.. By everything we mean all things, including our self. I know it is difficult to understand at first, but yes, even we are made of atoms.

Who Discovered Proton and the Nucleus? Eugen Goldstein, a German discovered anode rays and positive particles in the year 1898, while experimenting with the discharge tube. Ernest Rutherford, a New-Zealand born British discovered nucleus in 1911 and proton in 1917, when he conducted his renowned alpha particles scattering experiment.

Who Discovered Proton And The Nucleus?

Eugen Goldstein, a German discovered the presence of positive particles in the year 1898, and Ernest Rutherford, a New-Zealand born British discovered the nucleus in 1911 and the proton in 1917. TOPICS COVERED: Discovery...