The Mission To Mars | Stories For Kids
The story – “The Mission to Mars“, a fiction, was written by the 12-years old girl Shreya Rastogi. She aspires to be the first woman to visit Mars one day.

Mars – The red planet
It has been ten years since I went to Mars. It was my dream to be on Mars to study about it and make it the second home for mankind. My dream came true when India launched its first mission to Mars in 2030. I was chosen as one of the astronauts who would be going on the mission: MARS. It was a two-year journey. Our mission was to find signs of living organisms, on Mars.
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We were leaving in a week. I was so excited. It was my first space journey. I called my parents and relatives to tell them about my success and mission to Mars. My parents were very proud of me. I packed my bags and kept all the things which we need on the other planet. I found out that my team consisted of five people among which an astronaut named Tannishka Mody was there who was my close friend. She was a doctor.
The whole week for me was a pack-up schedule as everyone was making preparations for the journey. Two hours before the spacecraft would launch I bid goodbye to my parents and entered the launch station.
I was wearing my space suit and getting ready for the journey. Finally, the time had come when I entered the spacecraft, which was ready for the launch. In half an hour the spacecraft was launched and I was high above in the sky, seeing the Earth getting further and further away from us. As we reached space, even further from the exosphere, we settled. I was the Captain of my team and we had a lot of work to do.

Mission to Mars – The launch of spacecraft
“Mission Mars is for two years. It will take us six months to reach Mars, we have to live and study about Mars for one year and we will again come back to Earth in six months”. I informed my crew members.
Finally, we reached Mars. It was a different world. There were no trees or bushes only sands were all around. There were Plateaus and high mountains, it was like a huge desert. We had made a big hub on a plain which consisted of all the things we needed. We took a rest for a whole day.

Mars – The desert view. For real View click here.
From the next day onwards we started to do our work. We had rover, which we used for traveling to different places. We collected samples of soil and sand from different places and studied them, but found no sign of living organisms. I lost hope after studying various soils, but not getting good results. A negative thought crept into my mind; the mission to Mars might end as a failure.
One day Tanishka and I went for a drive in the rover to see different terrains of the planet. We went further from our hub seeing things, their varied shapes, observing them, etc. After realizing that the sun had set and it was dark now. We decided to return. While getting back into the rover, I realized that the sand beneath my feet was wet. My heart started pounding rapidly. Is it water? I told Tannishka about it. We both were mesmerized. I thought we should study more about it. But Tannishka suggested that it was dark now and we should go back to the hub, the other crew members must be waiting for us. So we returned to the hub and told everyone about the finding.

Mission Mars – The hub and the rover
The next morning we all went to the same place and found that the soil there was wet with water. We all were full of joy, happiness, and excitement. The mission Mars is about to achieve its goal. I instructed my team to collect the soil sample and start doing tests on it. We found some more places on Mars with wet sand. We collected samples and observed it. But there were no signs of living organisms. There was a big question of why there is water only in some places of Mars and not the others.
After five months of hard work of thinking, testing and observing, we uncovered Mars’s biggest secret. It is that millions and millions of years ago, Mars was a planet just like the Earth. It had water bodies like oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, etc. But suddenly there was a change in the gravitational force of the core of Mars, which led to the evaporation of water on the surface of Mars resulting in a barren desert and leaving only sand all around. Gradually, the water stored beneath the surface came up resulting in making some parts of the planet, wet.
We were all so happy finding out all this. But we were still hoping to find some evidence of living organisms on the planet. Ten months had passed living on Mars and our mission was still not accomplished.

Sand and dust storm at Mars
One day, a sudden message from the space station informed us about a big and terrible sand storm approaching us. It also said that we had to return to Earth immediately as mission Mars was aborted. It was shocking to hear. I informed all of my crew members. We all started to pack our bags and get ready to go to the spacecraft. But we were a bit late. Strong winds started to blow with thunder. It was very difficult for us to reach our spacecraft. The sandstorm was getting closer to us. It was also tilting our spacecraft. Somehow, we entered inside the spacecraft. I looked around to see if everyone was present. Then we launched our spacecraft and again went high in the sky. But this time we were a bit sad because we were leaving Mars. We had started to think like it was our home.

Mission to mars – Returning back
The day on which we touched the Earth’s surface we were very happy. At last, we were back to our home, our land, Earth. Masses greeted as heroes and welcomed with bouquets. The special ceremony was held to award us for our discovery. I was very happy. Due to mission mars, I lived my dream. My parents were so proud of me. I think I would like to go to Mars again!