
Bohr's Atomic Model for Hydrogen Selfution

Bohr’s Atomic Model for Hydrogen

Introduction Bohr’s atomic model is an essential concept in atomic physics. It helps explain how electrons move around the nucleus in specific orbits without collapsing into it. Atoms are the fundamental units of matter....

Difference between plant and animal cell

Difference between Plant and Animal Cell

All living things, whether plants or animals, are composed of microscopic structures called cells. The basic structure of a cell is similar in all living organisms. However, there are some key differences between plant...

Who Discovered Proton and the Nucleus? Eugen Goldstein, a German discovered anode rays and positive particles in the year 1898, while experimenting with the discharge tube. Ernest Rutherford, a New-Zealand born British discovered nucleus in 1911 and proton in 1917, when he conducted his renowned alpha particles scattering experiment.

Who Discovered Proton And The Nucleus?

Eugen Goldstein, a German discovered the presence of positive particles in the year 1898, and Ernest Rutherford, a New-Zealand born British discovered the nucleus in 1911 and the proton in 1917. TOPICS COVERED: Discovery...