Heat and Temperature: What’s the Difference?
In everyday life, we frequently use the words “heat” and “temperature” to describe how hot or cold something feels. But have you ever wondered what the real difference is between the two? They may...
Learning Made Easy
The Earth’s atmosphere comprises several layers with unique characteristics and functions. From the ground up, we have the troposphere, where all weather occurs and we live. Above that is the stratosphere, home to the...
Stars are the shining lights in the night sky, fascinating and mysterious. But have you ever wondered how stars are formed? The process is complex and beautiful, taking place over millions of years. In...
Looking up at the night sky, you might see a streak of light zipping across. That’s a meteor! But have you ever wondered what makes meteors different from meteorites and meteoroids? Let’s dive into...
Have you ever looked up at the night sky and wondered about the differences between asteroids and meteorites? In this article, we’ll explore these celestial objects. Asteroids are like rocky neighbors in space, orbiting...
The Harry Potter series holds a special place in the hearts of many belonging to Generation Z, myself included. It’s safe to say that at some point, we were all deeply immersed in the...
Friction is of four types; static, dynamic or kinetic, rolling, and fluid. Friction is a concept encountered daily, from walking down the street to driving a car. It’s the invisible force that slows us...
How to reduce Friction? It’s like the pesky bump in the road that slows us down. But guess what? There are ways to smooth things out and make life easier. In this post, we’ll...
Have you ever tried to push a heavy object and felt like it was stuck in place? That’s because of static friction! Static friction is like an invisible force that keeps objects from moving...
Before we jump into the advantages and disadvantages, let’s understand what friction is. Friction might sound like a big word, but we experience it every day, especially when we play, walk, or even write!...
The effects of friction or frictional force are seen everywhere in daily life. It helps us walk without slipping, but it also wears out shoes and slows down moving objects. Friction occurs when two...